Hello! I am about to start my own website and was wondering if you know where the best place to buy a blog url is? I'm not even sure if that's what its called? (I'm new to this) I'm referring to "http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?postID=3349015153328931093&blogID=1623177092711660373". Exactly how do I go about getting one of these for the website I'm making? Thanks!
Hello! I am about to start my own website and was wondering if you know where the
ReplyDeletebest place to
buy a blog url is? I'm not even sure if that's what its
called? (I'm new to this) I'm referring to "http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?postID=3349015153328931093&blogID=1623177092711660373".
Exactly how
do I go about getting one of these for the website I'm making?
My webpage ... wheelchair s